
Room Description

Bungalow room
Secluded on the secondary forest. Private bathroom with hot water, Fan 

Room Amenities

  • Non Smoking
  • Private Bath
  • Parking Available
  • Free Parking
  • Late Arrival
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Step 1 Select the number of rooms and stay dates - use grid below to check availability
Check the availability Previous 14 days Previous Day Next Day Next 14 days
Room Selection
Sep 21 Sat
Sep 22 Sun
Sep 23 Mon
Sep 24 Tue
Sep 25 Wed
Sep 26 Thu
Sep 27 Fri
Sep 28 Sat
Sep 29 Sun
Sep 30 Mon
Oct 01 Tue
Oct 02 Wed
Oct 03 Thu
Oct 04 Fri


Step 2 Choose occupants and extras
Prices are in USD and exclude location taxes
Guests Date Daily Inclusions Room Rate Extra Adult Extra Child Total
Room 1

21 Sep 2024
$113.27 $55 $45 $113.27

Extras available for this room

Extra single bed

$28 per room per night $0


Room Charges
Extras Total
Grand Total
Step 3 Enter guest and payment details
Guest Details
Extra Details
For arrivals outside the available times, please contact the property

Book Now

Terms & Conditions

Cancellations must be made by writing an email. We do not accept cancellations by phone.
Cancellations made 30 days prior you arrive receive 100% refund.
Cancellations made by 15 to 29 days prior the date you arrive will be refunded 75% of your deposit.
Cancellations made by 8 to 14 days prior the date you arrive will be refunded 50% of your deposit.
Cancellations made by 7 days or less, will not receive any refund.
Please,be aware that if you cancelled a reservation paid with credit card, we will be charging a 3.5% banks fees for the total amount for your authorized deposit.